“I have heard that you are supposed to carry a letterboxing kit that contains your signature stamp and your logbook. I was wondering what else you should carry in your letterboxing kit.”
A couple of years ago, I altered a comic strip (shown above) by incorporating answers given to that same question. (click on the image to find a large print copy)
I’m going to list all of the answers from that thread and update the list as the thread lengthens. I thought it would make a handy list for reference. (Credit for answers can be found
in the thread, as well.)
So, what's in your backpack?
What most would consider general essentials:
Signature Stamp
Logbook/Index Cards
Markers/ink pads
Your choice for cleaning stamps & an inky you:
Hand sanitizer
Unscented baby wipes
Paper towels (folded in a baggie or otherwise)
Additional “basics” for some:
Clues for nearby boxes (never know when you might drive by a letterbox)
Large gallon Ziploc® bags (for keeping clues dry & readable in the rain)
Plastic bag (to give a layer between you and the damp or dusty ground & to carry out trash)
For use in locating and retrieving the box:
Folding binoculars
Headlamps (for looking into dark, hard to reach spaces)
Flashlight (for looking into dark, hard to reach spaces)
Glove (for going into webby spots)
Hiking stick (to keep snakes away if there could be some)
For general use and protection during the excursion:
Hiking stick
Drinking water
Trail-type snacks
Cheap rain ponchos
Umbrella (in car)
Bug spray
Sunscreen/Suntan lotion
Jacket or Sweater
Toilet paper (or should this be filed in the next section?)
For use in case of emergencies or for minor first aid:
ID (even if you do not have a medical condition)
Cell phone
Band-Aid® bandages
First Aid Kit (in vehicle)
Letterbox Repair/Replacement Kit:
Film canister with a mini log
Mini roll of camo duct tape
Extra “about letterboxing” sheets
Permanent marker
Extra Ziploc™ bags (freezer bags, stamp size ones, and quart size)
Paper towels (to replace the old gnarly ones in some boxes)
Extra logbooks (some specified small)
As long as you’re the one carrying it:
Cooler (with drinks and food)
Grill (for BBQing later)
I really wish I knew how to draw. Some of the answers just beg for a cartoon:
1. One nice fella toting his grill and cooler on the trail.
2. Another letterboxer engaging a snake with a hiking stick.
Honestly, some items I did not fully understand . . . I will probably inquire further about them and then add them in the update. ;-)
I have heard arguments against using some of these items, so please do not take my listing them as an endorsement. In fact, if you let me know via the boards, email, or the box below, I’ll include the arguments against bringing/using particular items as I update this page. (I’m already aware of several.) How does that sound?
Feel free to contact me with other additions!