Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Zora and the Tide Pool

“You’re trapped!” I heard, as the wave slid around my patch of sand and encircled both the mussel-covered rock and my feet.

I looked up to see an expression of sincere concern on the face of a little girl. Realizing that she had been warned of the dangers associated with the tides, I asked, “What should I do now?”

“Well, you’re trapped,” she repeated, and I gave her another look of helplessness.

Seconds later the water receded toward the ocean, and she called, “Jump! Now!” So, I leapt across the tiny stream of water.

Safely beside this sweet child, I thanked her profusely for being so kind to me.

From that point on, my husband and I were met with question after question about all of the beautiful creatures that covered the rocks among the tide pools. What a curious little companion she was!

Zora and I have some pics to share with you:


  1. Beautiful colors! How fun! What kind of camera are you using?

  2. Thanks. I have to say, it's a good thing that tide pools are relatively still. You'll notice that nearly all of my photos are of stationary objects. A steady hand, I have not. ;-/

    I took the family camera, a Sony Cybershot DSC-H50, on the trip. That was such a treat! My film camera was 25 years old and had a Band-aid™ holding the battery in place.

    I appreciate your stopping by and your sweet comments. ;-)

  3. Ah...I can smell it now... :-P

    Nicely done, my friend.

  4. No prob for the olfactory nerves at Haystack Rock, but the caves were a different story. I enjoy looking back at my odorless pics. ;-)


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